• 魔友796997     童话独白「月光の传说」Vol.99

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    听 译 🎸陆凝,Ariel.Y,栗子,大狮子
    音 乐 🎸Alfredo Sirica OST




    At first, when the sky came to be,
    the moon was dim and lightless.
    As darkness fell upon the land at the end of each day,and the sky grew dark and empty,
    the stars would wake from their daytime slumber,
    and gather for their midnight ball to dance their way across the heavens till morning came again.
    And with them came a dark moon ,whom they feared would steal their starlight to claim as his own.
    Ever since, the moon has been illuminating the night sky with the Sun's light,
    his grace apparent though his face is scarred shinning brighter and more exquisite than any star.
    And every once an eternity when his scars heal, he finds her
    for another dance.

    1970-01-01   61赞       0踩       7976浏览 评论(6)
男 影帝lv57


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