• merely.     起风了歌词英文翻译

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    Following the traces where the young have been roaming about,we stop and go along the way on the journey.
    I should somehow hesitate one second before taking steps out of the station.
    I spontaneously sigh with self-deprecating humour that the nearer I'm getting to hometown, the stronger my homesickness and nostalgia are,which is inevitable.
    And the vast sky is still so warm as before when the wind is dredging the past up.
    In the past, strongly was I reluctant to leave the world when I first came to know it.
    At that time, I was even willing to chase the sky which seems to be right in front of me and experience the process though I had to suffer from going through fire and water.
    Nowadays, I'm still strongly reluctant to leave the world after walking through it.
    I merely encounter your smiling faces without any preparation after seeing different profiles over the years.
    I could hardly pull myself out of the big world and also indulge myself with the unreal words of it.
    不得真假 不做挣扎 不惧笑话,
    Fail to get the truth, never try struggling, and never be afraid of being ridiculed.
    I ever turned my whole youth into the one I loved and the midsummer also ever appeared on my fingertips.
    心之所动 且就随缘去吧,逆着光行走 任风吹雨打。
    Whoever I'll be enchanted with, I just want to follow the fate. I keep marching on against the light despite of strong wind and heavy rains.
    There is gradually some distance when we stop and go through several short paths.
    不知抚摸的是故事 还是段心情,
    It's still unknown that what we touch is our story or the state of mind.
    也许期待的不过是 与时间为敌,
    Maybe what we expect is merely being hostile to time.
    When encountering you again,I see you smiling sweetly in the cool light of the early morning sun.
    In the past, strongly was I reluctant to leave the world when I first came to know it.
    At that time, I was even willing to chase the sky which seems to be right in front of me and experience the process though I had to suffer from going through fire and water.
    Nowadays, I'm still strongly reluctant to leave the world after walking through it.
    I merely encounter your smiling faces without any preparation after seeing different profiles over there the years.
    I could hardly pull myself out of the big world and also indulge myself with the unreal words of it.
    不得真假 不做挣扎 不惧笑话,
    Fail to get the truth, never try struggling, and never be afraid of being ridiculed.
    I ever turned my whole youth into the one I loved and the midsummer also ever appeared on my fingertips.
    Whoever I'll be enchanted with, I just want to follow the fate.
    The night wind blows the wisps of gray hair at the temples and smooths the scars those memories have left.
    你的眼中 明暗交杂 一笑生花,
    The flowers all blossom as you smile when there are both bright and dark light in your eyes.
    The twilight covers your halting steps.
    走进床头藏起的画,画中的你 低着头说话,
    Walk into the painting hidden at the head of the bed, where you are talking with your head down .
    I'm still sighing with feeling that the world is so grand that I've been also lost in the lover's prattle of the childhood.
    不剩真假 不做挣扎 无谓笑话,
    There is no truth or untruth,no struggling and no fears of being ridiculed.
    I finally give the youth back to her along with the midsummer appearing on the fingertips.
    心之所动 就随风去了,
    I've gone with the wind since my heart has moved.
    以爱之名 你还愿意吗?
    In the name of love, are you still willing to start again?

    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       124浏览 评论(0)
女 中级龙套lv11


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