• JULIE·Mlle     珠宝界皇后 蒂芙尼

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    The most chic women in the world have always chosen Tiffany & Co. jewelry as a powerful expression of who they are.
    Our most iconic designs are a celebration of the women who wear them and an embodiment of our rich legacy combined with the effortless elegance of Tiffany style.


    “From across a crowded room, you can always see a Tiffany diamond engagement ring, no matter what size it is. Tiffany diamonds have a brilliant scintillation and sparkle like no other.”
    Melvyn Kirtley, 蒂芙尼首席宝石学家

    犹如明灯指引人们通向乐观与希望,Tiffany Keys系列象征着光明的未来。璀璨的钻石让此款吊坠典雅的罗马数字更加迷人。
    Brilliant beacons of optimism and hope, Tiffany Keys are radiant symbols of a bright future. Diamonds accentuate this pendant's striking Roman numerals.

    TIFFANY CT60™系列腕表

    This watch is not made for people who follow time. It is made for those who set it. From the
    inventors of the New York Minute.

    PS. 貌似我快要承包这片广告鱼塘了...

    1970-01-01   241赞       24踩       13391浏览 评论(47)
女 戏骨lv62


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