• JULIE·Mlle     Dior Prestige 从玫瑰到肌肤

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    玫瑰花蜜活顏再生乳霜 - 極緻滋養,玫瑰花瓣般的完美修護

    Its prodigious, unbelievably fine and luxurious texture fuses with the skin and envelops it in absolute comfort.
    Trapping the Nectar's active ingredients at the heart of the skin, it regenerates and helps rebuild a regular cellular architecture for skin perfection.

    Upon the first application, the skin feels and looks visibly transformed.
    Day after day, it is smoother. Its texture is refined and more even. Its radiance is deeply regenerated.

    柔滑質感完全融入肌膚之中,將珍貴的活性成分鎖於肌膚核心,促使肌膚再生,有助重建細胞結構規律,完美修護肌膚。首次使用,肌膚感覺煥然一新。日復日,肌膚更細滑,質感更細緻均勻,光芒顯著再生。肌膚沉醉於玫瑰花瓣般無比柔嫩舒適的寵 護之中。

    Discover the exquisite sensation of rose-petal skin beneath your fingertips.
    Dior Prestige La Crème is refillable: a sustainable approach for lasting beauty.

    PS 听说有人欠我广告费哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

    1970-01-01   219赞       26踩       12787浏览 评论(54)
女 戏骨lv62


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